Tuesday, September 17, 2024



Like earthworms,

like the carcasses of all animals,

we darken the soil,

enrich it.

In their turn,

our children will rise,

live in the sun

till they, too, revert to humus.

Our gift to them,

to those coming grandchildren,

great grandchildren:

a poisoned, decaying earth

and, as a tree nourishes its fruit,

this earth must feed its children

all that has collected around roots,

all that is unseen in water.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Internal strife


You see it in his eyes.

He drowns it in incessant yap,

conceals it behind constant activity;

answers nothing,

but is forever asking questions,

filling his life with places and people;

always on vacation from himself.

His travels are to distraction.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

In my Grandmother's Kitchen


Your hands, gentle,

resting in their usual place

on your lap,

listening to our conversation.

Fingers interwoven,

a basket for your thoughts,

the shape of caring,

the warm nest you made.

How wise those hands,

saying nothing

but alert in contemplation

and ready, always, to open.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Wanderer


Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, Caspar David Friedrich

Climb to the summit;

come closer to your soul.