Friday, May 6, 2022



Mantegna's wonderful painting was in our family bible. When I was young I used to look at it and marvel; I still do. It wasn't the only painting of its time to take this perspective, but it is the most masterful. The colour reproduction is particularly important in this painting; to my mind the more stone- coloured, marble-coloured, Christ's body the more effective. The monumentalism of the image holds you, not just for spectacle sake, but ties you that bit longer to the experience of lamentation along with the two grieving women. 

To my mind the overwhelming impression is the dignity it conveys, in Christ's expression, His bearing, the setting of the scene, the calm that emanates from the body.


on Mantegna’s ‘The Lamentation over the Dead Christ'’

the holes left by nails

the ripped flesh

later inspected by fingers


those sins impounded

beneath closed eyelids

and monumental perspective

marble-like folds in the cloth

rippled upward in musculature

a transfiguration David to pietà

the falling tears

as rain might stir a seedling

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