Friday, July 24, 2020

Corporate World

The dull paths of our lives:
sat at desks, endlessly clocking up
corporation minutes, whose sponge-like
insatiability drives us through our days;
propellers rotating at the speed of
managers’ whims; incentivized with
carrots of preferment, in fact, further
enmeshment in their cogs, deeper commitment
to the captivity; to become a presenter
of the starving statistics, those graphs
with ever-widening jaws hidden behind
the oh so convincing lines.

And you,
with family, far away, withering in the drought
of your time, the young imaginations fired
by the lightning flashes of the natural world
doused by your distracted interest,
your removal from their wonders.
And the inevitable hook from your carriage
onto your world of office, desk and air-conditioned
ambitions, your soft-padded shuffle through life,
your highs and lows doled out by those
who have experienced the thrills of more spacious offices.

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