Thursday, August 13, 2020

Hey Darling, there’s something I wanna tell ya.

I was coming out of the Big Boulder pub on the edge of my desert;
there was a trail in the sand like someone was dragging a bag or
I saw that it zigzagged up yon dune, so I
followed it.
Over the shoulder
and onto the next, and the next,
and the next, then a gravel track that led to a stretch of open scrub;
more dunes, up and down,
past chalky skeletons, rusted motors, hoary old tree stumps;
I guess there was a change of climate out there.

A donkey’s head on a post laughed as I passed;
sometimes it’s hard to know if donkeys are laughing,
but this guy wasn’t all there.
I followed the trail for hours; at sunset, lay down and slept,
slept solid.
Next morning I followed on, over a sea of sand,
later some dried out riverbeds,
until, guess what,
I arrived back at the Big Boulder.

I’ve gotta tell ya, I’ve had this half-molted anaconda
skin hanging from my knees for ages. It’s a total drag.

And you?
How about you?
How’re things in your desert?

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