Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Humanitarian Support for Afghan Citizens


The spread of covid from one individual in China to the entire world has illustrated that the planet is now just one large neighbourhood. Similarly, the spread of  political trends and movements; we can no longer consider a problem in one country to have no bearing on another, no matter how far distant. In effect communications and travel have become ropes binding us all close together. In the coming years climate change, pollution, water management, conservation of environment will all have to be tackled by the global community working as one.

My point in saying this is that there is no brushing aside the current Afghan problem, the crisis there is not solely of their making, and the fallout will not be contained within its borders. It is a global issue and those in danger deserve more that our turned heads.

The Afghan Council of Ireland has published a letter template on its Facebook page for Irish citizens to send to their governmental representatives to urge them to strengthen the support for Afghan citizens fleeing the new regime. See  https://www.facebook.com/101984398057143/posts/369156171339963/

I urge Irish readers to read and send it to your TDs and MEPs, and perhaps readers from other countries might do so with wording appropriate to the situations where they live.

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