Monday, July 11, 2022



Snow, it seemed to me, had the power to take away the sins of the world.

With that dazzling perfection, men’s minds could only be turned to the glorious

and beautiful; their hearts becoming salmon, medallions reflecting magnificent

light, must surely leap from the curve of their every-day lives.

Snow made the world pristine as Heaven is. Shining, peaceful, flawless;

to walk on fresh fallen snow was to walk an unsullied landscape; to walk in its

unearthly glow, which had the power to make even winter’s pitch black nights bright,

was, to me, a miraculous restoration of sight.

When the snow started to fleck the air outside our classroom, we all ran to the windows;

it was to be expected, even the teacher stepped towards it, allowing himself to be

mesmerised by the slow climbing down of billions of spiders; nature’s most astounding

coup, as the earth was prised from the doings of man, wonder restored, the opportunity

to write ourselves afresh on the empty canvas of the world.

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